What You Can Do To Get Rid Of Hemorroids

Depending on the level of pain, hemorrhoids may warrant a doctor’s visit. An exam will be conducted, and you will be given a treatment plan. They do not usually require prescription medicines. This article is packed with tips you need to know if you want to manage your condition.

Witch hazel is a product that could help to alleviate some of the pain felt from hemorrhoids. This astringent works to induce relief by shrinking the veins and facilitating quick recovery. You can soak a cotton ball in witch hazel and apply it to the area for 5-10 minutes, or you can pour some in a sitz bath.

When you are dealing with hemorrhoids, take care to not use any personal products which have fragrances, oils or dyes in them, near the affected area. Exposure to these substances can cause the hemorrhoids to sting, become more painful and make the itching intensify.

Drink plenty of water if you have issues with hemorrhoids. Hydration will help prevent constipation, and keep your stools soft. You might also consider reducing or eliminating the amount of caffeinated foods and beverages from your diet. The same rules apply for alcohol, as well.

A great supplement to take if you have hemorrhoids is Rutin. It’s possible that weak blood vessels can cause hemorrhoids. You need the flavonoid Rutin to aid your body in taking in Vitamin C and strengthening your blood vessels. It is generally found in citrus fruits, as well as in vegetables, such as broccoli and onions. If taking a supplement, the optimal dose is 500mg once per day.

Ice is usually pretty good for alleviating hemorrhoid pain. These sores can be very painful. You can reduce the pain and swelling by using an ice pack. Also apply heat to the area between using the ice pack. Soaking in a lukewarm tub and then switching to a cold compress, is a good way to ameliorate the discomfort and swelling caused by hemorrhoids.

So there is hope for hemorrhoids sufferers. It is not something a person has to tolerate. Most hemorrhoids cases are easily treated from the comfort and privacy of your home. By learning everything you can about the causes and treatments of hemorrhoids, you can effectively manage them and minimize their impact on your life.

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