IPhone Tips And Tricks To Get The Most From Your New Phone

Although iPhones are very popular, many people don’t know how to use one. Fortunately, articles just like this one abound online, allowing users to understand their iPhone better. Read this article to find out great iPhone tips.

You won’t need to worry about ending up on the wrong road with the iPhone. There is a maps app integrated into your phone when you purchase it, and it will allow you to check your location wherever you have service. You can find directions home or explore new regions you never considered before.

Wouldn’t a larger keyboard make it easier to enter messages and surf the Internet on your iPhone? It’s not necessary to run out and purchase a new keyboard. Flip your phone sideways and begin browsing again. You’ll find that the bigger keyboard can make it easier to type faster using your iPhone.

The iPhone has made it easier than ever to provide suggestions based on the individual user by allowing you to create your own shortcuts and add words to your dictionary. When you use this, your phone knows exactly what you are trying to change. You can also program your phone and put in additional phrases and shortcuts. When you type words and phrases the keyboard autocorrects what you have typed.

If you’re searching the web with your iPhone, you don’t have to type out the “.com” of the web address. You only need to use the main address and your browser will pull up the correct site. While it may not seem like much, doing so will save you a lot of time over the life of your phone.

After reading these tips, you will have a better idea of getting the most from your iPhone. Make use of all of these tips so that you can get the most from your iPhone. When you know the steps to take, you can enjoy your iPhone even more.

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