Hemorrhoids have the ability to ruin a day that is going well and ensure a bad day is worse. Pay attention to the insights here to utilize the medical treatments available for hemorrhoids. Although it may seem that there is no end in sight, take heart in knowing that there are a variety of treatment options.
You can lessen the chance that you will develop external hemorrhoids by paying some extra attention to your hygiene routines for that area of your body. Choose soft toilet papers that do not leave paper or residue, and use moistened wipes after every bowel movement.
Hemorrhoid sufferers can try a number of home remedies to relieve their discomfort. Sliding into a sitz bath and soaking for ten minutes a few times a day is suggested. Use a cold compress on the affected area, too.
During bowel movements, straining too hard can cause hemorrhoids. Changes to your diet that can make your bowel movements easier include taking in more water, eating more fiber, and eating fewer refined foods. When going to the bathroom, a squatting position can help to avoid excessive straining. When you are on the toilet, put a short stool underneath your feet. Interestingly, hemorrhoids are not very common in places where squatting is the more traditional way of evacuating the bowels.
Ice can help stop pain caused by hemorrhoids. Anyone that has ever suffered with them will attest to the discomfort and pain they can cause. An ice pack applied to the area can decrease pain and reduce swelling. Try alternating with warm compress to ice pack. Enjoying a warm bath while alternating treatment with a cold pack will reduce swelling and pain caused by hemorrhoids, making you more comfortable.
You may find that certain time-honored approaches to treating this problem are indeed effective in treating hemorrhoids. After a bowel movement, take a warm bath and add sitz to the water. Never scratch your hemorrhoids, no mater how much they itch, because this can aggravate the condition. Try using a bit of witch hazel on a cotton pad to help relieve the itch. Eat plenty of foods with fiber, and drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day. This will help prevent excessive straining during your bowel movements.
Gaining a solid understanding of how to treat hemorrhoids should help you in the future if the problem should ever occur again. You can use your new-found knowledge to help keep hemorrhoids at bay!